Students’ Motivation in Learning Narrative Text Using STAD


  • Endang Retno Sulistiowati Master of Pedagogy, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia Author
  • Taufiqulloh Master of Pedagogy, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia Author
  • Yoga Prihatin Department of Languages and Professional Communication, Samara National Research University, Russia. Author


STAD, narrative text, learning motivation


This research is motivated by the low motivation to learn English among students in class VIII  of SMP Negeri 3 Talang, so it is necessary to increase their motivation. The formulation of the  research problem is how students' learning motivation is in learning narrative text using the  STAD type cooperative model in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 3 Talang. The aim of this research  is to determine students' learning motivation in learning narrative text using the STAD type  cooperative model in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 3 Talang. The literature review discussed  includes STAD type cooperative learning and learning motivation. This research took place at  SMP Negeri 3 Talang, Tegal Regency, which was carried out from July 2023 to December  2023. The research population was 251 students in class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 2023/2024.  Samples were taken using cluster random sampling, samples were obtained from classes VIIIA  and VIII C as the experimental class, class B and class VIIID as the control one. Data collection  is carried out through questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis used the ANOVA test.  The research results show that there is a significant difference in student learning motivation  in narrative text learning that uses the STAD type cooperative model and those that do not in  Class VIII at SMP Negeri 3 Talang. The percentage of learning motivation with STAD  learning was 81.93% with very good criteria, while learning motivation without STAD  learning was 78.86% with good criteria. This shows that students' learning motivation in  learning narrative text using the STAD type cooperative model in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 3  Talang is better than without using STAD learning. 


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